![Efficient software testing tips (DevOps team abstract concept vector illustration)](https://www.etestware.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Efficient-software-testing-tips-DevOps-team-abstract-concept-vector-illustration-1200x580.jpg)
Efficient software testing tips (for software testers)
Software testing is ultimately all about providing quality to users. It is completed on software and systems to help improve the overall quality. The testing phase of any project increases its efficiency and speed, which is why we recommend identifying an effective testing strategy as early as possible. Early testing within the software development lifecycle uncovers defects which can then be fixed. The sooner these are found, the less cost will be involved. It is therefore imperative for testers to ensure a high level of quality – here are some efficient software testing tips to help.
Tips to become an efficient software tester
- Plan effectively
- Use documentation
- Ensure that you have studied software quality models
- Communicate clearly and efficiently
‘Planning is everything’
‘Fail to prepare, prepare to fail’. We have all heard statements like this and are aware of the importance of being well-organised. Perhaps it is surprising then to note just how many people do not heed these words – do not be one of them! Instead, plan your test processes well and ensure they are clearly defined. Good documentation is also vital, as this leads to efficient communication within any team.
Software quality models offer a standardised method for measuring the quality of software. They are typically built around four main issues: Security, reliability, performance and maintainability. Each one contains detailed descriptions and standards, and some feature more than 100 rules. Every software tester or engineer should study these models, whether it be McCall’s, Boehm’s or the ISO/IEC 25010 standard.
Read about the software testing waterfall model.
Good documentation leads to efficient communication from a written perspective. The best software testers are then able to maintain this in their day-to-day dealings with other team members. This may be in speaking to them or delivering a presentation. It is essential for any software tester to be able to explain their views clearly and concisely.
In conclusion
In this short piece we have offered 4 efficient software testing tips for your perusal. We could have added many more by diving into the types of testing to use but these 4 are essential. If you can honestly say you have them all covered, then you are already well on the way to being an effective tester!