Software Testing in healthcare
Today we look at key types of software used in the industry today. ‘Software Testing in healthcare’ then outlines the benefits of testing before looking back at some advancements made in medical tech. We’re delighted to focus upon such a crucial sector and one in which we have often worked.
Software used in healthcare
The two types of software mainly used in healthcare are: The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and then the Electronic Medical Record (EMR). The EPR is used in hospitals to store internal patient data. The EMR is a record kept in a specific hospital unit. It charts out a patient’s recovery course and the actions taken by the unit.
It can be said then that the EPR and the EMR both deal with highly sensitive data – making them prime candidates for security testing at the least.
Software testing benefits to the medical industry
In a nutshell, testing provides quality assurance. In a profession where ‘big data’ is key and accuracy is particularly critical, testing then becomes essential. Here are just a few key benefits:
- Validation of the interoperability of medical devices
- Functional validation of software
- Penetration testing can help to make applications ‘hack-proof’*
*Healthcare apps and products must adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This then makes security testing particularly vital.
Technological advances in healthcare
Tech is prominent in just about every sector. Healthcare is no different, with a number of key advances made in recent years. This Telegraph article from 2017 predicted technologies that would change the industry:
- The internet of things (IoT)
- Augmented reality
- 5G
- Wearable tech
- Virtual assistants
Did they get it right then? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! It goes without saying that we are huge proponents for software testing in healthcare. Then again, we’re all for software testing in any industry that utilises software full stop.
A simple way of looking at it is this; you are a product creator with something intended to be used by people. Once built, would you then give it to those people to use straightaway? Or would you instead take the time to check and double-check the product?
It is difficult to think that you would build the product and then just assume it capable of delivering the exact user experience intended. What would happen in that case if it did not deliver the desired experience? You would surely put your reputation plus that of the product first, testing before then releasing it?