Software testing jargon (the 3rd instalment)
‘Software testing jargon’ is the third part in a series of articles dedicated towards breaking down key software terms. Here then we cover letters I-M of the alphabet, with some pretty important terminology making an appearance… Enjoy!
Discover software testing terms from A to C, then read through letters D to H in our software testing terminology breakdown.
Incremental testing: An approach deployed during the testing phase of integration testing, which is performed after unit testing. Modules are tested one by one, which then allows for the discovery of any errors or defects in each.
Installability testing: A type of testing used to validate that software can be successfully installed by following the instructions in a manual, executing any installation scripts or by using an installation wizard.
Intake test: A type of smoke test completed at the start of the testing phase. These determine whether a component or system is in good condition for detailed testing within the test process.
Integration testing: A testing type performed to expose defects in interfaces and in interactions between integrated components / systems.
Interface testing: This is a type of integration testing with a specific focus on the interfaces between components / systems.
Interoperability: Describes the capability of a software product to interact with one or more specified components / systems.
Interoperability testing: Determines the interoperability of a software product.
Invalid testing: A type of testing where input values that should be rejected by a component / system are then used.
Isolation testing: This sees individual components tested in isolation, with drivers simulating surrounding components if required.
JUnit: This is a framework for testing Java applications. It is specifically designed for the automated testing of Java components.
Keyword driven testing: A testing type utilising a scripting technique that uses data files. The files contain test data, expected results and keywords related to the application under test. These keywords are interpreted by supporting scripts called by the control script.
LCSAJ testing: A type of white box testing in which test cases execute LCSAJs: Linear Code Sequence And Jumps. LCSAJs comprise of three items:
- Start of the linear sequence of executable statements
- End of the linear sequence
- Then the target line to which control flow is transferred once the linear sequence is complete
Load test: A type of testing where the behaviour of a component / system is measured with increasing loads to then determine what load can be handled.
Maintenance testing: A testing type that sees changes to an operational system tested.
Maintainability testing: This testing type determines a software product’s level of maintainability.
Multiple condition testing: A type of white box testing where test cases are designed to execute combinations of single condition outcomes within one statement.
So there you have it then, another collection of software testing jargon. Only 13 letters of the alphabet remain and we’ll get through them in the coming weeks. If you think we missed anything important out in this selection then we would love to hear from you!