Software Testing News Jun 2021
It is the first day of July, and therefore time to round-up software testing news, Jun 2021. Feel free to leave your comments below, and we will endeavour to respond. If you need help with right sourced / outsourced* software testing, look no further and contact us. We’ll be only too happy to help.
Penetration Testing demand up to counter a rise in cyber-crime
As remote working rose in the wake of the pandemic, so too did the amount of cyber-attacks. Cyber-criminals sought to take advantage of the weaker security offered by home networks. This article looks at the subsequent growth in organisations running pen tests and vulnerability scans. It outlines the benefits of these when carried out by CREST-approved penetration testers, such as CRIBB Cyber Security.
Amazon testing robots to work in warehouses
This article reveals how Amazon are testing robots to work in warehouses, with the objective of improving employee safety. The Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR), for example, can carry heavy items. A workstation system can deliver totes to employees. The solution is designed to improve conditions for workers without completely replacing them. It has come following reports suggesting that serious injuries to Amazon workers were nearly 80% higher than in the rest of the industry.
Health Foundation report reveals people want AI in healthcare
More than 33% of people in the UK would approve of using AI in healthcare. 44% of NHS staff would welcome artificial intelligence combined with more automation. This story reveals similar statistics, highlighting the significance of the pandemic’s effect on the health industry.
The original articles we have selected this month are from Software Testing News Jun 2021. It was another month in which the importance of IT was aptly demonstrated. From load-bearing machines in warehouses to AI in the healthcare industry, technology is everywhere.